The Sharjah Real Estate Registration Department (RERD) is the official land and property registry and regulatory authority of the emirate of Sharjah. Sharjah RERD is in charge of storing and maintaining records on all properties and transactions in Sharjah in addition to providing a wide range of services to citizens, businesses, and government departments, as well as resolving any disputes that may arise.

Learn more about Sharjah RERD’s experience with NVSSoft®’s solutions.

Managing official correspondence and records are a critical part of Sharjah RERD’s day to day activities. With an outdated and inefficient correspondence management system in place, Sharjah RERD’s operations and productivity were affected.

Sharjah RERD was unable to utilize its correspondence management system to meet its growing requirements due to limitations and vendor support issues.

Employees had to operate multiple systems in parallel and in isolation in order to complete transactions, which reduced their focus and productivity.

Sharjah RERD needed a comprehensive and up-to-date solution for correspondence management that would integrate seamlessly with their Oracle ERP and allow employees to get their work done more efficiently.

NVSSoft® provided a complete and integrated solution that featured its flagship correspondence management system Tarasol along with ArcMate Enterprise® Document Management System, and a tight integration with Oracle ERP.

The Tarasol Correspondence Management System helped Sharjah RERD automate its correspondence, lead more productive meetings, and collaborate on tasks efficiently from any anywhere.

With ArcMate Enterprise® Document Management System in place all completed correspondence, transactions, and documents were sealed and stored securely in a central repository and made available for easy retrieval and management by authorized users.

The integration with the ERP system allowed Sharjah RERD’s employees to complete transactions using only one screen and enabled them to add or update transactions and upload images and documentation from one place.

Sharjah RERD has seen a massive boost in productivity across all its departments. This in turn translated into faster transaction completion times and improved happiness and satisfaction among users of Sharjah RERD’s services.

The automation of all types of paper-based correspondence helped Sharjah RERD operate more efficiently and become a paperless environment.

With a secure digital repository in ArcMate Enterprise®’s Document Management System, Sharjah RERD was able to retrieve any piece of information from the archive in an instant and right from within its correspondence management or its ERP.