Backlog scanning has become a critical operation for organizations aiming to modernize their data management systems. Converting large volumes of existing physical documents into digital format allows companies to make strides in both data preservation and accessibility.

Yet, the road to successful backlog scanning is fraught with challenges that can lead to project failures or costly delays. Whether it’s the sheer volume of documents or issues related to data privacy and security, companies frequently find themselves grappling with unexpected complications. The repercussions of a poorly executed backlog scanning project can be severe, ranging from financial losses to risks of non-compliance.

Despite these challenges, the advantages of completing a backlog scanning project are significant. Benefits include enhanced data security, improved compliance with regulations, and optimized operational efficiency.

In this article, we explore the top five challenges of large-scale backlog scanning projects and offer practical solutions to tackle these complexities successfully.

Challenges and Solutions in Large-Scale Backlog Scanning Projects

The digitization of physical documents has become a pillar in the pursuit of operational efficiency, data availability, and regulatory compliance. While the rewards are plentiful, the challenges are not to be underestimated. Let’s explore the inherent challenges and actionable solutions that can ensure the success of your large-scale backlog scanning project.

1.     Handling the Volume of Documents

The sheer volume of physical documents in a backlog can be staggering. We’re not talking about a file cabinet or two; we’re discussing rooms filled with years or even decades of accumulated paper. This overwhelming volume is often the first obstacle organizations face, and it can significantly slow down the digitization process.


Before diving into the scanning process, it’s crucial to have an effective sorting and preparation strategy in place. A methodical approach to categorizing and preparing documents for scanning can significantly streamline the entire project. Whether it’s grouping documents by type, date, or other relevant metrics, organized preparation can pave the way for a smoother, more efficient scanning process.

ArcMate Capture, NVSSoft’s high-volume data-capturing solution, offers several features specifically designed to tackle the challenges of handling large volumes of documents. Its distributed workflows allow the capturing of documents at multiple locations, enabling you to tackle large-scale projects that might be spread out geographically. Centralized management of all running instances and batches ensures that even extensive volumes of documents can be processed efficiently.

The robust batch scanning capabilities can help optimize your document preparation and scanning phases even further. The software enables you to define multiple scanning profiles, allowing you to customize settings based on the specific needs of different types of documents.

2.     Document Quality

A less obvious but equally pressing challenge in large-scale backlog scanning projects is the varying quality of documents. Over time, paper deteriorates—colors fade, texts blur, and physical damages like rips and tears become more likely. Poor quality documents pose significant challenges in terms of readability and data integrity, potentially jeopardizing the entire digitization effort.


The focus here is on the use of specialized scanning techniques and equipment capable of capturing the nuances of fragile and deteriorated documents.

ArcMate Capture offers robust solutions in this regard. It features advanced automation for resource-intensive operations such as image enhancements and optical character recognition (OCR). This enables the software to automatically apply quality enhancements to scanned images, making sure the captured data is as accurate as possible.

ArcMate Capture supports intelligent recognition tailored to different types of documents. For example, it applies intelligent recognition to structured documents such as forms and invoices, while utilizing full-text recognition and artificial intelligence for unstructured documents. This ensures that even if the original paper document is in poor condition, the digital output will be of the highest quality possible.

The software also allows for the definition of various scanning profiles, which is particularly helpful when dealing with old or worn-out documents. Each profile can be customized to match the condition and type of document being scanned, providing greater control over quality. This level of customization ensures that even fragile and deteriorated documents can be accurately captured, indexed, and stored.

3.     Metadata and Indexing

Accurate metadata and indexing are vital for the effective retrieval and utilization of digitized documents. The indexing process is about creating a sophisticated, searchable database that enables easy navigation and retrieval. Incorrect or inconsistent metadata can turn a well-intended digitization project into an organizational nightmare, making it difficult to locate important documents and risking non-compliance with data management regulations.


A robust metadata management tool can auto-populate fields, standardize terminology, and even pull or validate metadata against existing databases, ensuring a high level of accuracy.

ArcMate Capture excels in this aspect. The software provides comprehensive metadata management capabilities that enable you to define specific metadata fields based on the types of documents being processed. Its powerful data extraction features allow for an automatic population of metadata fields, saving time and reducing human error.

ArcMate Capture integrates easily with existing content management systems, allowing for an effortless data transfer and immediate availability of indexed content. The software’s centralized management console lets you oversee metadata configurations across multiple scanning instances, providing a unified, consistent approach to document indexing.

4.     Data Privacy and Security

Handling sensitive or confidential information is one of the most delicate aspects of any large-scale backlog scanning project. It often involves dealing with personal identifiers, financial records, and other confidential data. In the absence of proper security measures, there is a significant risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, or even legal ramifications for failing to comply with data protection laws such as the Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL).


The key to effectively managing the risks associated with data privacy and security lies in having robust compliance protocols and secure storage solutions. Implementing rigorous data protection measures, including secure data transfer protocols and encrypted storage solutions, can significantly mitigate these risks.

ArcMate Capture’s data-capturing solution is built with data security in mind. It supports secure data transmission methods, ensuring that your sensitive documents are safely moved from point A to point B.

It also offers features that help automate the documentation needed for compliance audits, making it easier for your organization to demonstrate its adherence to regulatory requirements.

5.     Staff Training

Arguably one of the most overlooked aspects of a successful large-scale backlog scanning project is the role of skilled personnel. Staff who are inexperienced or inadequately trained can contribute to inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and even breaches in data security. Even the best scanning equipment and software are only as effective as the people operating them, making skilled staff a critical component for success.


Investing in comprehensive training programs can make all the difference in the outcome of your backlog scanning project. Staff must be thoroughly educated on using the scanning equipment and software, as well as on the protocols for ensuring data privacy and integrity. Training programs should be up-to-date, hands-on, and ideally, offer some form of certification upon completion to assure competency.

If your organization lacks the internal resources to conduct such training, consider outsourcing the scanning project using ArcMate Capture. This leading data-capturing solution comes with high-end features specifically designed to handle large-scale backlog scanning. With trained staff, high-end equipment, and the necessary experience, ArcMate Capture can complete the project efficiently and securely. It can be a time-saving and potentially cost-effective alternative, especially for organizations with one-time or infrequent scanning needs.

Meet Us and Explore Solutions at the ICA Congress 2023

Looking for hands-on experience with some of the most advanced solutions in archiving and record management? NVSSoft will be a Silver Sponsor at the upcoming 19th ICA Congress in Abu Dhabi from October 9th to 13th. We will be showcasing our cutting-edge solutions, including ArcMate Capture, in collaboration with our strategic partners PFU (EMEA) Limited – a RICOH Company and EMPA Business Solutions. This is a perfect opportunity to see our solutions in action and to discuss your backlog scanning challenges with experts in the field.

The event will host over 5,000 professionals from the archives and records management community, representing more than 130 countries. Don’t miss this chance to explore how emerging technologies like AI and blockchain are shaping the future of records management and archiving. Make sure to join us at the ICA Congress.

Overcome Backlog Scanning Challenges with NVSSoft

Navigating the challenges of large-scale backlog scanning is crucial for a successful digitization effort. With NVSSoft’s ArcMate Capture, organizations can efficiently conquer these challenges.

Ready to transform your backlog scanning project from daunting to doable? Let NVSSoft tailor a digital transformation solution that fits your needs. Get in touch with us today.